Last night while I was updating my goodreads account, I found that I have read a total of 14 books so far this year. It may be less for many of you, but for me it is huge. I have been so busy with house chores and mom duties lately, I rarely get the time to breathe - let alone read books. Due to time-constraints , it is not possible to write full reviews of all these books. So I am starting a series in this blog where I post mini- reviews of the books I have read recently. Reading-wise I have been experimenting with audio books. It is definitely a good source to consume books if you don't have time in your hand to physically read them. But honestly having listened to so many audio books this year , I still can't vibe with it. Anyways, Here’s a bite-size review of the first 5 books I read this year - 1. Misery by Stephen King - The author Stephen King is extremely popular. Wherever I go- be it a bookstore or my loc...